biasanya, seseorang akan menunjukan rasa cinta dan kasih sayang mereka pada pasangannya melalui sebuah ciuman.
selain dinilai praktis untuk dilakukan, ternyata mencium kekasih hati ini merupakan sebuah ungkapan untuk meluapkan rasa cinta dan sayang mendalam yang tersimpan dalam hatinya.
berciuman memang sebuah hal yang belum lazim ditemukan bagi pasangan yang sedang menjalin cinta. karena berciuman dengan pasangan juga tidak akan pernah lepas dari bumbu-bumbu nafsu seksual kepadanya.

lebih lanjut mengenai makna sebuah ciuman, tahukah jika ciuman dari kita untuk kekasih hati itu ternyata memiliki arti yang berbeda-beda ?

ciuman di pipi.
jika seseorang mencium pasangannya dibagian pipi, hal ini sedikit banyak mengindikasikan bahwa ciuman tersebut merupakan bentuk rasa kasih sayang, dukungan, dan keterlibatan kepadanya.

ciuman di telinga.
ciuman ditelinga lebih menandakan adanya dominasi nafsu seksual terhadap pasangannya tersebut.
hal ini juga memperlihatkan adanya gairah yang tinggi serta kekuasaan atas pasangannya.

ciuman ditangan.
ciuman ini lebih menunjukan kepada rasa hormat dan kepedulian kepada pasangan.

ciuman yang dilanjutkan dengan pelukan.
ketika dua insan saling berdekatan dan melakukan ciuman yang disertai dengan pelukan yang hangat penuh mesra, menandakan adanya ikatan rasa cinta dan kasih sayang yang sangat kuat diantara kedua pasangan tersebut.

ciuman yang disertai tatapan mata yang tajam.
arti ciuman ini memberikan rasa nyaman kepada pasangan yang menerima ciuman. ia akan merasa sangat dicintai, disayangi, dan mendapat perlakuan yang khusus dari pasangan yang memberikan ciuman tersebut.

pada dasarnya berciuman merupakan sebuah ekspresi cinta dan sayang dalam hati untuk pasangan kita.
tunjukan rasa cinta dan kasih sayang kita dengan menciumnya penuh kelembutan, kekaguman, dan keinginan untuk saling memiliki dan mengasihi sepenuh hati.
jadikanlah juga ciuman kita sebagai cara untuk mendekatkan diri kepadanya. karena berciuman merupakan salah satu bukti jika kita sudah bisa menjadi bagian yang tak akan terpisahkan dari hidupnya.


dalam tubuh manusia terdapat beberapa organ yang dapat di donorkan atau ditransplantasikan (pendonoran organ) kepada orang lain.
secara umum, proses pendonoran tubuh ini terbilang cukup langka dan kurang populer dikalangan masyarakat mengingat sedikit sekali orang yang mau untuk melakukannya.
dari segi manfaatnya, pendonoran organ kepada orang lain memiliki manfaat sosial dikalangan masyarakat dimana orang yang diberikan organ tersebut tentu akan sangat merasa senang seperti mendapatkan harapan hidup kembali.
manfat ini sederhananya dapat dijabarkan menjadi dua hal :
  1. dapat memberikan harapan hidup baru bagi peneriman donor organ tersebut.
  2. dapat memberikan peningkatan kualitas hidup bagi penerima donor organ tersebut.
akan tetapi, proses melakukan donor organ itu sendiri pun tidak mudah untuk dijalankan. meski seseorang telah membuat surat pernyataan kesediaannya untuk mendonorkan organnya kepada orang lain, tetapi hal itu tidak menjadi satu-satunya dasar pertimbangan bagi dokter untuk melakukan proses transplantasi.
seorang dokter tetap tidak akan melakukan proses transplantasi jika pihak keluarga menolak putusan tersebut meskipun pihak yang mendonorkan telah membuat surat pernyataannya.

tidak semua orang memiliki karateristik organ yang sama. dan hal ini pun tentu juga berpengaruh terhadap kepastian apakah organ tubuh dari pendonor ini dapat didonorkan kepada penerima atau tidak.
dibutuhkan observasi lebih dalam untuk menyimpulkan hal tersebut. beberapa dasar pertimbangan yang lazimnya dipakai seperti golongan darah, umur, riwayat penyakit tertentu, dsb.

bagian tubuh manusia yang dapat didonorkan kepada orang lain terdiri organ dan jaringan.
beberapa organ yang dapat didonorkan antara lain jantung, mata, hati, paru-paru, ginjal, dan kulit.
sementara itu, beberapa jenis jaringan yang dapat didonorkan kepada orang lain seperti tulang, katup jantung, dan paru-paru.
jika organ yang didonorkan cenderung bersifat memberikan harapan hidup baru bagi penerima donor, sedangkan jaringan yang didonorkan akan lebih bersifat untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup orang tersebut.
misalnya seseorang akan lebih merasa tertolong hidupnya saat ia menderita gagal jantung dan kemudian ia menerima donor jantung dari orang lain. dan seseorang akan merasa meningkat kualitas hidupnya jika mendapatkan bantuan donor kulit setelah ia mendapat luka bakar yang sangat parah.

persoalan donor organ merupakan hal yang masih tabu bagi kalangan masyarakat umum. selain tidak lazim untuk dilakukan, hal ini juga bertentangan dengan norma dan etika yang berlaku bagi sebagian masyarakat.
sekarang ini, jumlah pendonor organ tubuh masih jauh lebih sedikit bila dibandingkan dengan orang yang berharap untuk menerima donor organ tersebut.


hidup ini penuh dengan tantangan.
setiap detik dalam kita menjalani hidup pastilah tidak akan terlepas dari masalah yang menyertainya.
memang menjadi sebuah hal yang biasa, tetapi menjadi hal yang akan sangat sulit jika kita tidak terbiasa untuk menyikapinya.

saat kita dirundung sebuah masalah, adakalnya kita merasa semangat atau bahkan kejenuhan dalam diri kita untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut. intinya adalah semua pembawaan tersebut atau mood yang muncul itu berawal dari dalam diri kita. yang perlu kita lakukan hanyalah bagaimana kita dapat memposisikan diri kita sebagai pemenang dalam menyelesaikan masalah yang muncul dalam hidup kita.
awalnya memang sulit menjalaninya mengingat kita yang tidak terbiasa karenanya. akan tetapi jika kita mau berusaha untuk membiasakannya, sepertinya tidak ada hal yang tidak mungkin untuk kita jalani.

apakah dengan memposisikan diri kita sebagai pemenang dalam menyelesaikan masalah adalah kunci kemenangan kita dalam menyelesaikan masalah ?
jawabannya adalah tidak.
poin pentingnya justru terletak pada proses pelaksanaannya.
dalam menjalani penyelesaian sebuah masalah kita dituntut untuk bersikap sabar, cermat, dan sigap dalam menganalisis dan mencari jawaban atas penyelesaian masalah kita.
intinya adalah semua itu bermuara pada sikap kita yang dituntut guna mengalah untuk menang.
bukan menjadi sebuah kekhawatiran jika kita harus kalah dengan masalah-masalah kita pada awal-awalnya. bukan karena belum siap atau karena hal-hal yang menunjukan kita lemah karena masalah kita tersebut, melainkan lebih karena kita sengaja sedikit mengalah dengan masalah kita.

mengapa haruslah demikian ?
alasannya cukup sederhana, yaitu agar kita terhindar dari kemunculan masalah-masalah baru yang lebih besar.
hal ini mungkin saja terjadi mengingat kadang kala kita menemui sebuah masalah yang bersifa sistemik dimana masalah tersebut saling berkaitan dengan masalah-masalah yang lain.

contoh sederhananya adalah jika kita dihina oleh seseorang.
masalahnya di sini adalah saat kita dihina orang, kita tentu akan merasa sangat terendahkan harga diri kita bukan ?
lalu, bagaimana cara menyelesaikannya ?
berpikirlah jika kita adalah pemenang dalam kemunculan masalah ini. lakukan penyelesaian masalah layaknya seorang pemenang mencari kunci kemenangannya. temukan jawaban-jawaban logis mengapa kita sampai dihina oleh orang tersebut.
selain itu, penting juga bagi kita guna bersikap mengalah untuk menang. kita tidak perlu membalas secara langsung perlakuan orang tersebut. yang perlu kita lakukan adalah memaafkannya serta mendoakannya. bagaimana jadinya jika kita terbawa arus emosi dengan melakukan tindakan pembalasan secara langsung kepada orang tersebut ? tentunya akan dapat memunculkan masalah yang baru bukan ?

nah, untuk itu mengalah lah untuk menang.
gunakanlah potensi apa saja yang kita miliki untuk menyelesaikan masalah kita, meski kita harus rela untuk mengalah di depan untuk mendapatkan kemenangannya di akhir tujuan.
sesungguhnya bukan kemenangan sesaat yang kita cari, melainkan kemenangan sejati yang dapat menuntaskan sebuah permasalahan yang sedang kita hadapi.


terkadang kita mesti dihadapkan pada sebuah permasalahan klasik dimana kita selalu mengalami defisit uang persediaan setiap di akhir bulan.
sebagai anak kost, tentunya uang yang diberikan orang tua untuk memenuhi semua kebutuhan hidup kita hampir bisa dikatakan tidak mungkin cukup bagi sebagaian kalangan, khususnya bagi mereka-mereka yang memang mendapat jatah uang yang sedikit.

lalu, bagaimana solusinya ?
konsepnya sangat sederhana, karena berapa pun uang yang kita miliki itu tidak akan berarti jika kita salah dalam mengelolanya.
yang dibutuhkan dalam memgelola uang persediaan bukanlah bagaimana kita bisa mendapatkan uang yang banyak untuk dapat kita manfaatkan, melainkan bagaiamana gaya hidup kita dalam menggunakan uang kita tersebut.
semestinya, uang yang kita terima dari para orang tua kita haruslah benar-benar kita manfaatkan sebaik mungkin sesuai dengan kebutuhan hidup kita, bukan sesuai dengan keinginan hidup kita.
menjadi anak kost seperti kita bukan lah sebuah tetap yang harus kita lakukan untuk selamanya, karena hidup anak kost seperti ini hanyalah sebuah transit sebelum kita merassakan hidup yang sebenar-benarnya hidup kita setelahnya.
yang kita perlukan hanyalah hidup untuk bertahan hidup, bukan hidup untuk mengembangkan hidup.

selanjutnya, beberapa tindakan yang dapat kita lakukan untuk lebih meningkatkan kualitas manajerial kita dalam mengelola keuangan pribadi kita sebaga anak kost seperti ;
1. biasakanlah untuk lebih rasional dalam mengutamakan kebutuhan daripada keinginan dalam hidup kita.
2. gunakan uang kita hanya pada kebutuhan yang benar-benar kita perlukan.
3. biasakan diri kita untuk menabung.
4. cari sumber alternatif untuk menambah uang kita selain yang bersumber dari orang tua jika memungkinkan.
5. biasakan diri untuk tidak hidup secara bermewah-mewahan.

itu semua merupakan lima hal pokok yang perlu kita cermati dalam mengelola keuangan pribadi kita agar kita tidak selalu dalam kondisi defist di akhir bulan.
tidak perlu harus memiliki sumber yang besar agar kita tidak mengalami defisit dalam pengelolaan uang kita, tetapi yang harus kita perlukan adalah bagaimana kita memiliki kemampuan manajerial uang yang baik agar dapat mencukupkan antara jumlah uang dengan berbagai kebutuhan hidup kita.

Derawan Islands the Dream Island for Divers.

Derawan Island ...

Welcome to the beautiful tropical islands in the area of Borneo,
Derawan Island. An island with a colorful sea of blue and green shades are stunning, soft sand, palm trees line the coast, with a small forest in the middle of the island which is the habitat of various species of plants and animals and the natural beauty of the enchanting underwater . No wonder the island can be ranked as a top three place world-class diving destination and make this island a dream island for divers.

Derawan Islands are in the province of East Kalimantan in Indonesia. They include
Derawan, Sangalaki, Kakaban, Maratua, Panjang, and Samama Island and submerged reefs and islets. They are located in the Sulawesi Sea, on the coastal shelf of East Kalimantan (2�17'N-118�13'E).

Located in a biodiversity hotspot, the Derawan Islands feature 872
species of reef fishes, 507 species of coral, and invertebrates,including protected species (5 giants clam species, 2 sea turtles,
coconut crab, etc). Some of the islands harbor the heavily exploited turtle eggs and yet the largest green turtle nesting site in Indonesia.

Every month, at least 75 foreign tourists and local tourists hundred visiting Derawan Island. They claim love the charm of the island.
According to the tourists, the atmosphere of the sea Derawan island very different from other regions. Not to mention the beauty beneath the sea Derawan Island. No wonder, many international-class divers visiting the island for trying out the natural beauty of the underwater Derawan Island. There are also tourists who are interested in looking for turtle eggs because so many turtles on the island. Unfortunately, the manager admitted Derawan difficulty island developing this island because no local
government support. As a result, many obstacles that can not be overcome. In the end, they expect the government to open
regular shipping for the smooth flow of transport.

In Derawan Islands there are some coastal ecosystems and small island which is very important that coral reefs, sea grass and
mangrove forest (mangroves). In addition many protected species in the Derawan Islands like the green turtle, hawksbill
turtle, whales, dolphins, clam, coconut crab, mermaid, fish,
barracuda and a few other species. There are many other dive sites in the Derawan area, including Barracuda Point, The Wall,and Blue Light in Kakaban Cave, Big Fish Country, Paradise Reef,
and the Light House on the Island Maratua, and other islands of Derawan and Sangalaki. If you want to try it, you'll need at least two weeks! How? It �s too beautiful to be miss out.
READ MORE - Derawan Islands the Dream Island for Divers.

Komodo National Park.

Komodo National Park is located in the center of the Indonesian archipelago, between the islands of Sumbawa and Flores.
Established in 1980, initially the main purpose of the Park was to conserve the unique Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) and its habitat. However, over the years, the goals for the Park have
expanded to protecting its entire biodiversity, both terrestrial and marine. In 1986, the Park was declared a World Heritage Site and a Man and Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO, both indications of the Park's biological importance.
Komodo National Park includes three major islands: Komodo, Rinca and Padar, as well as numerous smaller islands creating a total surface area (marine and land) of 1817km (proposed extensions would bring the total surface area up to 2,321km2). As well as being home to the Komodo dragon, the Park provides refuge for many other notable terrestrial species such as the orange-footed scrub fowl, an endemic rat, and the Timor deer.

Moreover, the Park includes one of the richest marine environments including coral reefs, mangroves, seagrass beds,
seamounts, and semi-enclosed bays. These habitats harbor more than 1,000 species of fish, some 260 species of reef-building coral,and 70 species of sponges. Dugong, sharks, manta rays, at least 14 species of whales, dolphins, and sea turtles also make Komodo National Park their home.
Threats to terrestrial biodiversity include the increasing pressure on forest cover and water resources as the local human
population has increased 800% over the past 60 years. In addition, the Timor deer population, the preferred prey source for
the endangered Komodo dragon, is still being poached. Destructive fishing practices such as dynamite-, cyanide,
and compressor fishing severely threaten the Park's marine resources by destroying both the habitat (coral reefs) and the
resource itself (fish and invertebrate stocks). The present situation in the Park is characterized by reduced but continuing destructive fishing practices primarily by immigrant fishers, and high pressure on demersal stocks like lobsters, shellfish, groupers and napoleon wrasse. Pollution inputs, ranging from raw sewage to
chemicals, are increasing and may pose a major threat in the future.
Today, the PKA Balai Taman Nasional Komodo and PT. Putri Naga Komodo are working together to protect the Park's vast resources. Our goals are to protect the Park's biodiversity (both marine and terrestrial) and the breeding stocks of commercial fishes for replenishment of surrounding fishing grounds. The main challenge is to reduce both threats to the resources and conflicts between incompatible activities. Both parties have a long term commitment to protecting the marine biodiversity of Komodo National Park.
READ MORE - Komodo National Park.

Cirahong Uniques Railways Bridge.

Cirahong Bridge was built in 1893 which connecting Bandung city and Yogyakarta city.Cirahong Bridge was strengthened in 1934.

Until now,the bridge still stands sturdy. Construction materials using steel lateral plate, upper frame wall with continues lateral.Cirahong Bridge has uniqueness which is the only one bridge that has 2 functions. Upper part functioned as railway traffic. Below part is bridge that use for vehicle traffic that connecting Ciamis area and Tasikmalaya by Manonjaya.
Cirahong Bridge construction (with 202 meters length) also fascinating. Frame wall looks like braid that sweep strongly above Citanduy River. Cirahong Bridge was the only one Netherland heritage bridge in Ciamis Regency, West Java Province. These
sturdiness constructions are proven by unshakable bridge from earth quake that happen in early September 2009 West Java area.
READ MORE - Cirahong Uniques Railways Bridge.

Sejarah Pembangunan Jembatan Cirahong.

Sejarah Pembangunan Jembatan Cirahong.

Pembangunan jembatan Cirahong terjadi pada tahun 1893.berikut sejarah lengkapnya,,

PEMBANGUNAN jembatan kereta api (KA) Cirahong, yang menghubungkan antara Ciamis dan Tasikmalaya lewat jalur Manonjaya, Kab. Tasikmalaya, tidak terlepas dari peran Bupati Galuh (Ciamis-red.) R-A-A. Kusuma-diningrat.

Sebelumnya,Belanda telah membuat gambar pembangunan jalur rel kereta yang menghubungkan daerah Tasikmalaya ke Banjar/Pangandaran, tanpa melintas ke Kota Ciamis.Berdasarkan gambar yang dibuat Belanda, jalur kereta api dari Tasikmalaya-Manonjaya akan diteruskan ke daerah Cimaragas,atau sebelah selatan Sungai Citanduy. Setelah itu, masuk ke daerah Kota Banjar. Di Banjar, ada jalur menuju ke Pangandaran dan ke daerah Cilacap, Jawa Tengah.

Pertimbangannya, kalau melintas ke Kota Ciamis, berarti harus membangun dua jembatan di atas Citanduy. Tentunya, biaya
pembangunan jembatan di atas sungai tersebut, sangat besar atau mahal.Belanda membangun jalur rel tersebut, tidak hanya untuk angkutan massal. Akan tetapi, rel itu juga digunakan untuk membawa hasil bumi dari Priangan, seperti kapas, kopi, kapol,dan lainnya ke Jakarta. Apalagi waktu itu, banyak perkebunan baru didaerah Galuh, seperti perkebunan Lemah Neundeut, Bangkelung,dan lain-lain. Angkutan kereta tersebut diharapkan akan mempermudah jalur angkutan barang maupun mobilisasi orang Belanda.

Informasi tentang rencana pembangunan jalur rel kereta tersebut akhirnya sampai ke telinga Kusumadiningrat atau Kangjeng Prebu.Waktu itu, yang bersangkutan sudah pensiun dari jabatannya sebagai Bupati Galuh.Kangjeng Prebu, yang dinilai oleh para sejarawan sebagai Bupati Galuh terkemuka, akhirnya berusaha melakukan lobi kepada Belanda. Dia meminta agar jalur rel kereta melintas ke Kota Ciamis.
Caranya, dari Tasikmalaya ke Manonjaya, lalu menyeberang Sungai Citanduy untuk masuk melintas ke Kota Ciamis.

Ada beberapa pertimbangan yang disampaikan Kangjeng Prebu,kenapa sebaiknya jalur kereta melintas ke Kota Ciamis. Pertama,jumlah penduduk di Kota Ciamis sudah besar dan padat,sementara daerah Cimaragas sangat sedikit. Dengan demikian,keberadaan kereta itu akan semakin bermanfaat.Selain itu, pertimbangan lainnya ialah untuk memperkuat eksistensi Ciamis sebagai Ibu Kota Galuh. Setelah lobi panjang,akhirnya Belanda menyetujui usulan Kangjeng Prebu. Hal itu mem-buktikanbahwa dia memang masih punya pengaruh besar,
sekalipun sudah pensiun.
Belanda akhirnya membangun dua jembatan di atas Sungai Citanduy. Pertama, jembatan Cirahong, dan kedua
Karangpucung di dekat Kota Banjar.Biayanya pun cukup mahal.Tetapi Belanda merealisasikannya karena dorongan Kangjeng Prebu.Sosok Kangjeng Prebu pada masanya dikenal mampu memakmurkan daerah Galuh. Karyanya hingga sekarang masih terpelihara. Selain Cirahong, terdapat pula beberapa saluran irigasi untuk pengairan sawah teknis, misalnya saluran irigasi Gandawangi. Dia membangun saluran air Cikatomas,Wangundiredja, Tanjungmangu yang sekarang berubah namanya menjadi Nagawiru.

Kangjeng Prebu pada masa pemerintahannya, mencoba membangun atau mencetak sawah baru, perkebunan kelapa di daerah Ciamis selatan. Waktu itu, setiap calon mempelai yang akan menikah diwajibkan membawa dua buah kitri (bibit kelapa) untuk ditanam di halaman rumahnya. Kebijakan tersebut akhirnya
telah menjadikan Kabupaten Galuh sebagai sentra kelapa. Bahkan hingga sekarang, Galuh yang berganti nama menjadi Ciamis merupakan gudang kelapa, sentra gula kelapa, dan pemasok sapu lidi ke berbagai daerah.

Hingga sekarang, Makam Kangjeng Prebu masih terus dipelihara.Bahkan, setiap ulang tahun Ciamis, para pejabat berziarah ke makam tersebut.
Dan Jembatan sampai saat ini masih tegap berdiri,. (Undang Sudrsyat/"PR")"*
READ MORE - Sejarah Pembangunan Jembatan Cirahong.

Tourist Destination,Exotic Bintan Island.

In recent years, Bintan has been transformed into a premier tourist destination where perfect getaway dream can be reality.Bintan has been blessed with breath taking beaches, secluded
coves, spectacular dive spots lush greenery.

In line with "Billow Sail to The Prosperous, Competitive, and Cultural 2010" vision of Bintan Regency, international investors
have developed many new hotels,integrated resorts, intenational golf courses on the Island of Bintan Your visit to Bintan will not be bored nor unispired because there are many other interesting places like Bintan mountain where you
can take up the challenge places like Bintan mountain where you can take up the challenge of Trekking throught Bintan's rainforest up to the summit of this 340 m high mountain, and you bewared with wonderful views. There are also the Pasar Malam Akau (Night Market), Pelantar (Water Village), Sri Bintan Kampung Eco Tour and Sri Kecil Adventure, and shops selling local handicraft. You will be more than glad with your visit to Bintan.

do you have heard lagoi beach ? if not
yet known you surely lose once. Lagoi
beach located in Bintan island,Indonesia. The exotic panorama of lagoi beach also supported with other natural view like Sebong river,Mangrove forest, and some resort with world class facility and services.

Lagoi beach very famous with white
sand carpet. Another that, at the same
time you can enjoy some water sport
like diving, jet ski, snorkeling, banana
boat and don �t forget you also can play parasailing and golf at some resort.

For dinner you can try some special
food from bintan island like Otak-otak
and Gongong. Otak-otak made from
ripe sea fish and wrapped with sago
palm leaf.Gongong is snail sea from bintan island, which cooking with roast.
If you want go to Indonesia, don't forget to come and enjoy at Lagoi beach.

Access to Bintan Island The Bintan Island are a major gateway into Indonesia because of good ferry links to nearby Singapore and Malaysia. Many of the seaports in the Riau Islands and the main airport of Batam are visa free and visa on arrival points of entry.

By Plane.
Batam's Hang Nadim International Airport fields flights from various destinations in Indonesia. Bintan has a smaller airport at
Kijang which has several domestic flights, including to the remote Natuna Islands.

By Ferry
Ferries are the main way to get to the Bintan Islands. Visitor should check the individual island or city pages for details
- From Singapore
Frequency ferries connect Singapore with Batam and Bintan.Besides the two popular island, ferries also link Singapore with
Tanjung Balai on Karimun Island and Tanjung Batu on Kundur Island.
From Malaysia Frequent ferries link Johor Bahru with Batam and Bintan. Ferries also run between Kukup in the south western part of Johor state, and Tanjung Balai on Karimun Island.

From other parts of Indonesia
Numerous ferries link Sumatra mainland cities such as Pekanbaru,Dumai, Palembag, Kuala Tungkal in Jambi and other smaller ports with Batam, Bintan, Karimun and other island groups. Ships
belonging to Indonesia's passenger shipping company Pelni call at
Bintan's Kijang port, Batam's Sekupang domestic ferry terminal and the Natuna Islands, lingking them with Jakarta, Medan,
Pontianak and other major ports.

Lets Visit here guys....
READ MORE - Tourist Destination,Exotic Bintan Island.

Lombok Tourist Attractions.

Lombok, an integral part of the Lesser Sunda Islands is situated in the province of West Nusa Tenggara. The Lombok Strait
separates the Lombok Island from Bali, located on the western side of the Lesser Sunda Islands and it is the Alas Strait that
secernates the Lombok Island from the Sunbawa, the centermost island of the Lesser Sunda Islands.
provides you with complete information on the Lombok Tourist Attractions.

The moment you arrive at this place, the realization dawns on you that this island has a lot to offer. Therefore, you feel the need to explore every nook and corner of Lombok. Stated below are the tourist sites that are responsible for the popularity of this isle worldwide, which are:

- Gili Islands - If you wish to have a gala time at Lombok, then a visit to this place is must. The Gili Air Island, the Gili Meno Island and the Gili Trawangan Island , constitute the Gili Islands. These islands are nestled on the northwest cost of Lombok and are widely known for their affiliation with water sports. The sparkling
beaches, the crystal clear waters and the subaquatic world is bound to take you by surprise. If you are into diving and snorkeling, then Gili Trawangan (the largest of the Gili Islands) is the place to be. For diving and snorkeling purposes you can either carry or hire equipments. To head to another beach you can avail
the pony carriages.

- Gunung Rinjani - The third highest mountain and the secondhighest volcano of Indonesia offer its tourists spectacular scenic beauty. It overlooks the village of Sapit and features a vast semi lunar crater. The crater is the home to the Segara Anak Lake and hot springs. The thick jungle that embraces the mountain/volcano adds to the beauty of the Gunung Rinjani. This is an excellent spot for trekking and expedition.
If you have plans regarding trekking, then you won�t miss out the chance of treating your eyes to the breathtaking view of the crater lake from the summit and also of the Gunung Augun (the sanctified mountain of Bali). The Gunung Rinjani has been adjudged as a National Reserve in the year 1984.
- Senggigi Beach - Senggigi, the renowned and the oldest resort area of Lombok and is the most sought after destination in
Lombok. This beach is dotted with bars, restaurants that offer continental as well as local cuisine, cafes, souvenir shops from
where you can pick up clothes/handicrafts, paintings and other sorts of gift items. The marine life is well protected by the reef. At this beach you can indulge yourself with activities, such as
swimming and snorkeling. Make a trip to this beach to have a gala time with your friends or family or spouse.

- Mataram City � This capital city of Lombok comprises of four towns, Ampenan, Mataram, Cakranegara (Cakra) and Sweta. It is the hub of government administration. For art exhibitions, puppet
shows or theatre one needs to head to the Mataram main square.
The markets are flooded with crafts work such as the wraparound garments, gold and silver threaded sarongs and basket ware. The places to visit in Mataram are:

* Museum
- Narmada Park, summer palace,
- Karang Bayan Traditional Village
- Suranadi,
- Mayura and Bale Kambang, recreational park
- Mayura Water Palace
- Meru Temple

- Cakranegara � This commercial center of Lombok, is inhabited by the Balinese and Chinese community. Cakranegara is the home to the Water Palace and the Meru Purse (Lombok�s largest temple). Since most of the restaurants and shops are owned by Chinese, the local people refer to it as the Chinatown.

- Ampenan - This main port of Lombok has now turned into a port town. At this place you can try out the Sasak as well as the
Chinese food served by the local restaurants. Lombok�s only airport is located near Ampenan. The Negeri Nusa Tenggara Barat museum, which reflects on the culture of Lombok and the Water Temple of Pura Segara, situated on the north shore of the Ampenan, are the places to look out for.

* East Lombok - It is underdeveloped and at this place the tourist spots to check out for are:
- Sembalum Lawang � A mountain hideout that is nestled at the remains of a caldera.
- Loyok Central Handicraft - Is noted for the bamboo crafts.
- Pringgasela - Famous for its traditional woven cloth
- Otak Kokok Gading and Jeruk Manis Waterfall � The waterfall at the Otak Kokok Gading and the Jerus Manis Waterfall
that is situated amidst the lush forest has its own beauty and charm.
- Tete Batu � This village is located on the slopes of Gunung Rinjani.
- Kota Raja � Majestic waterfall
- Selong - Capital of East Lombok.
- Kaliantan � White sand beaches.
- Senanti - Wood carves village.
- Lemor � Explore this thick dense forest
- Biraq � A village that upholds the age-old traditions.
- Lenek �Sasak dance productions
- Timbanuh � Features a home stay, built by the Dutch
- Gili Lampu, Gili Sulat, Gili Lawang � These three islets offers you the scope of swimming and snorkeling.
- Grave of Selaparang � Selaparang King was buried at this site.Thus it could be said that Lombok is a tourists� delight.

Lets Visit lombok guys'.....
READ MORE - Lombok Tourist Attractions.

Kecak Dance Bali.

Kecak Dance

The dark expanse of the banyan tree above the temple gate casts a dense shadow on the courtyard and the carvings that flicker like apparitions in the uneven light. A serpentine stream of bodies coils
itself, circle within circle, around a large, branching torch. Two hemispheres of men: one, a pattern of silhouettes; the other,sculptural faces of brown skin caught in a net of torchlight.

The half-seen multitude waits in silence. A priest enters with offerings,blessing of holy water.One piercing voice cracks the suspense the circle electrifies. No other dance is so unnerving as the amazing Kecak: One Hundred and fifty men, who by a regimented counter play of sounds,simulate the orchestration of the gamelan. Kecak, a name indicating the "chak-a-chak" sounds,evolved from the male chorus of the ritual Sanghyang trance ceremony. By choreography ingeniously simple, chorus is transfigured into ecstasy. The annihilation of the individual, the cries, the erratic pulse of sound and sublimated violence of the
kecak are perfectly contained in the precise use of a few basic motions of head, arms and torso.

Through a coordination rehearsed for months prior to a performance, various parts of the dance merge in a startling
continuum of grouped motion and voice. Many words and gestures have no meaning other than as derivatives of
incantations to drive out evil, as was the original purpose of the Sanghyang chorus. Kecak include a drama, in which the circle of light around the torch becomes a stage, and its periphery of men,a living theatre with all dramatic effects. Accompanied by the bizarre music of human instruments, the storyteller relates the episode enacted within the performance, usually one drawn from the ramayana. When demon-king Rawana leaps to the center, the chorus simulates his flight with a long hissing sound. When Hanuman enters the mystic circle, the men become an army of
chattering monkeys-hence, the nickname "Monkey Dance".
READ MORE - Kecak Dance Bali.

Barong and Rangda the Bali Dance.

Barong and Rangda Dance.

The natural world to the Balinese is one held in balance by two opposing forces: the benign, beneficial to man, and the malign,inimical to humanity. The destructive power of sickness and death is associated with the latter force and the evil influence of black magic.
If black magic prevails,a village fails into danger,and extensive purification ceremonies become necessary to restore a proper equilibrium for the health of the community.

Dramatic art is also a mea of cleansing the village by strengthening its resistance to harmful forces through offerings, prayers and acts of exorcism. Such is the symbolic play of the two remarkable presences-the Barong and Rangda. Barong, a mystical creature with a long back and curved tail, represents the affirmative, the protector of mankind, the glory of the high sun, and the favorable spirits associated with the right and white magic. The widow witch Rangda is its complement. She rules the evil spirits and witches who haunt the graveyards late at night. Her habitat is darkness and her specialties lie with the practice of black magic,the destructive force of the left. Both figures are of the same earthly substance, possessing strong magical prowess.
Somewhere in a mythical past, the Barong was won over to the side of humanity, and, in the play, fights on behalf of the people against the intruding death force of Rangda. Often the struggle occurs within the framework of a popular story; for instance, an episode from the Mahabharata.
Yet the essence of the Barong and Rangda play remains the eternal conflict of two cosmic forces symbolized in the two protagonists.
Because the play is charged with sorcery and magic charms,extensive offerings are made beforehand to protect the players
during the performance. Usually the Barong enters first, cleverly danced by two men who form the forelegs and hind legs, the first man manipulating the mask. A Barong's appearance varies with the kind of mask it wears, which may be stylized version of a wild boar, a tiger, a lion, or occasionally an elephant. The most holy mask and the one used in the play is that of the Barong Keket,"The Sovereign Lord of the Forest", a beast representing no known animal. In the extreme coordination of the lively Barong,one forgets the fantastic creature isn't acting on its own accord, as it mischievously sidesteps and whirls around, snapping its jaws at the gamelan, and swishing flies with its tail.
After the Barong's dance, everyone falls silent. From behind the temple gate appear the splintery fingernails that fore shadow the dread full vision of Rangda. From her mouth hangs a flaming
tongue signifying her consuming fire and around her neck, a necklace of human entrails falls over her pendulous breasts. How in a low, gurgling curse she stalks the Barong while waving a white cloth from whence issues her overwhelming magic. They collide in a desperate clash of witchcraft. In the protection of the Barong lies the preservation of the community, represented by the "kris dancers", men armed with kris daggers. At one point in
the fight, when the victory of the Barong is threatened, the kris dancers rush to the Barong's assistance by violently attacking
Rangda. The witch's spell reverses their fury back into themselves,and they begin to plunge the blades of their cresses inward against their own bodies. But the Barong, with its own powerful charm, protects the crazed men from inflicting self-harm. In most plays, this phenomenal self-stabbing is enacted when the kris
dancers are in trance. No matter how forcefully they plunge the daggers against their chests, the tips of the blades do not puncture the skin.
At the end of the play, the kris dancers are revived by the pemangku, who sprinkles them with holy Water, which has been
dipped in the beard of the Barong. (The beard, made of human hair, considered the most sacred part of the Barong). A final
offering is made to the evil spirits by spilling the blood of a live chicken.
READ MORE - Barong and Rangda the Bali Dance.

Amazing Place,Kuta Beach Bali.

Kuta Beach,Bali.

I think most everyone around the worlds knows Kuta Beach. It is one of the most beautiful beach in the world and located in Bali, Indonesia. The unforgotten moment in kuta when you can see the sunset because it's amazing. Kuta Beach is one of the favourite place was discovered by the tourists, locals and from abroad.

The foods is delicious and the people is nice, almost people who visited Kuta Beach said that this place is outstanding and it is world's heaven.Kuta Beach Once a lonely little village on the road from Denpasar to Bukit Peninsula, Kuta is now the tourist Mecca of Bali, popular mainly among the young and adventurous. Kuta beach is one of the first favorite beaches discovered by tourist. Coconut trees line the sand beach as far as the eyes can see towards the north stopped by the runway of Denpasar's airport far in the west.Cause it closed to airport so the accomodation is easy.The sunset in Kuta is most breathtaking. On the south, the beach is fenced by the airport's runway, which gives the visitors a breathtaking landing experience. Kuta Beach bustles with tourists' vendors and locals.

It's the most popular beach in Bali and the island's number one party zone. The beach stretches as far north as the eyes can see.
As short walk away north, the waves will invite to surfing. Rapid development and an influx of visitors haven't kept the surfers away and Kuta still remains one of Bali's best surfing beaches and a great place to enjoy a beach lifestyle.
While the surfers are still part of the Kuta scene, it's the shopping,nightlife and party vibes that attracts thousands of visitors.

There's a huge choice of accommodation, restaurants and entertainment.
The accommodation in Kuta range from a modest home stay for a few dollars a night to luxurious, five star, international hotels costing several hundred to several thousand dollars a night.
Legian Street, situated directly behind the row of hotels that face the beach, is lined with shops of all varieties. We can find any
Balinese handicrafts here, from the least expensive to the most exquisite.

At night, Kuta is alive with night life. Western influences create discotheques, dance clubs,and pubs. Gastronomical demands inspire a multitude of restaurants, serving traditional Indonesian and Balinese food to various ethnic meals from Japan, Switzerland, etc. As if these
were not enough, various Balinese dance performances are staged in Kuta every night. One of the best Kecak performances is found in Kuta.

Come visit here guys....
READ MORE - Amazing Place,Kuta Beach Bali.

Besakih Temple the Biggest Hinduism Temple in Bali.

Besakih Temple Karangasem Bali
Besakih Temple is the biggest Hindu temple in Bali which the local people call Pura Besakih. It owns beautiful view from the top of temple area where we can see the wide nature panorama until to the ocean so that way this temple is many visited by tourists from all over the world.

Besakih Temple is located in Besakih countryside, Rendang sub district,Karangasem regency,east part of the island. It is located in southwest side bevel of mount Agung, the biggest mounts in Bali. It is because pursuant
to Agung Mount confidence is holiest and highest mount in Bali Island.

Besakih in Mythology
The Besakih's name is come from the word of Basuki, the old language from Sanskrit Wasuki, and then it become the Ancient Java Language. In this Sanskrit,
the Basuki means congratulation. In mythology of Samudramanthana has mentioned that Basuki is a dragon that
twines the Mount Mandara. The omission has come from tradition megalithic which had been indicated that it had to be sanctified place. It seems, the Besakih is coming from very old era which is far before the existence of Hinduism influence. Hereinafter, an Ancient Bali king of Sri Kesari Warmadewa found the Merajan Selonding Temple in this temple complex area. He also commands to build the Blanjong Monument that is located in
Sanur Village. The Besakih Temple complex is built pursuant to cosmos balance. It is based on the nature conception which is disseminating the fundamental temple complex that is arranged to pursuant of the way direction. So, this building can deputize nature as symbolic of the world balance existence.

Besakih Temple in Hindu's Philosophy
As we familiarize, that the point direction way like East, South,West, North, and middle as center point and each direction is named by Mandala. In Hindu philosophy, Panca Dewata is manifestation of Siwa God. Like Penataran Agung Temple as
center, we find in its courtyard conception show the solidarity conception between the original Indonesia culture namely tradition megalithic in form of Punden Berundak-undak with the Hinduism
concept. The ancient omissions which is existing in Besakih Temple complex can be classified into 2 types those are omission
pertained by megalithic tradition and classic era. Besakih Temple beside as the altar for Hindu people in Bali, it is also as tourist destination which is a lot of visited by tourists.

Besakih, Place to Visit in Bali
Besakih Temple is located in the plateau area which is covered by the cool atmosphere and Mount Agung as a back drop. From the top of temple building, we can see the beautiful panorama of nature from the temple area to the ocean. It is situated in cool area with the light breeze and unique temple buildings spread out in the temple complex will create the peaceful atmosphere. It is ideally
for the people who did the meditation and now, the Besakih Temple is opened for tourist and it is the great place to visit in Bali.

How to locate Besakih Temple?
It is very easy to find this temple in Bali where most of the people have known it in particular the Balinese Hindu. It is about 2 hours away from Bali's International Airport by car to the east part of Bali
and right located in Besakih Village, Rendang � Karangasem Regency. You may join the Besakih Temple Tour, the exciting
tour package to visit the places of interest on the way to this temple.
READ MORE - Besakih Temple the Biggest Hinduism Temple in Bali.