Pada zaman dahulu hiduplah dua orang jendral perang besar, Cyrus dan Cagular. Cyrus adalah raja Persia yang terkenal. Sedangkan Cagular adalah kepala suku yang terus-menerus melakukan perlawanan terhadap serbuan pasukan Cyrus, yang bertekad menguasai Persia. Pasukan Cagular mampu merobek-robek kekuatan tentara Persia sehingga membuat berang Cyrus karena ambisinya untuk menguasai perbatasan daerah selatan menjadi gagal.

Akhirnya, Cyrus mengumpulkan seluruh kekuatan pasukannya. Mengepung daerah kekuasaan Cagular dan berhasil menangkap Cagular beserka keluargnya. Mereka lalu dibawa ke ibu kota kerajaan Persia untuk diadili dan dijatuhi hukuman.

Pada hari pengadilan, Cagular dan istrinya dibawa ke sebuah ruangan pengadilan. Kepala suku itu berdiri menghadapi singgasana, tempat Cyrus duduk dengan perkasanya. Cyrus tampak terkesan dengan Cagular. Ia tentu telah mendengar banyak tentang kegigihan Cagular.
"Apa yang akan kau lakukan bila aku menyelamatkan hidupmu?" tanya sang kaisar.
�Yang mulia," jawab Cagular. "Bila Yang Mulia menyelamatkan hidup hamba, hamba akan pulang dan tunduk patuh pada Yang Mulia sepanjang umur hamba."

"Apa yang akan kau lakukan bila aku menyelamatkan hidup istrimu?" tanya Cyrus lagi.
�Yang Mulia, bila Yang Mulia menyelamatkan hidup istri hamba, hamba bersedia mati untuk Yang Mulia," jawab Cagular.

Cyrus amat terkesan dengan jawaban dari Cagular. Lalu ia membebaskan Cagular dan istrinya. Bahkan ia mengangkat Cagular menjadi gubernur yang memerintah di provinsi sebelah selatan.
Pada perjalanan pulang, Cagular dengan penuh antusias bertanya pada istrinya.
"Istriku, tidakkah kau lihat pintu gerbang kerajaan tadi? Tidakkah kau lihat koridor ruang pengadilan tadi? Tidakkah kau lihat kursi singgasana tadi? Itu semuanya terbuat dari emas murni! Gila!"

Istri Cagular terkejut mendengar pertanyaan suaminya, tetapi ia menyatakan,
�Aku benar-benar tidak memperhatikan semua itu."
"Oh begitu? tanya Cagular terheran-heran, " Aneh, lalu apa yang kau lihat tadi ?�
Istri Cagular menatap mata suaminya dalam-dalam. Lalu ia berkata,
"Aku hanya melihat wajah seorang pria yang mengatakan bahwa ia bersedia mati demi hidupku.�

Berani Mencoba

Alkisah seorang pembuat jam tangan berkata kepada jam yang sedang dibuatnya.
"Hai jam, apakah kamu sanggup untuk berdetak paling tidak 31.104.000 kali selama setahun?"
"Ha?.." kata jam terperanjat, "Mana sanggup saya?"
"Bagaimana kalau 86.400 kali dalam sehari?"
"Delapan puluh ribu enam empat ratus kali? Dengan jarum yang ramping-ramping seperti ini?" jawab jam penuh keraguan.

"Bagaimana kalau 3.600 kali dalam satu jam?"
"Dalam satu jam harus berdetak 3.600 kali? Banyak sekali itu". Tetap saja jam ragu-ragu dengan kemampuan dirinya.
Tukang jam itu dengan penuh kesabaran kemudian bicara kepada si jam,
"Kalau begitu, sanggupkah kamu berdetak satu kali setiap detik?"
"Naaaa, kalau begitu, aku sanggup" kata jam dengan penuh antusias.

Maka setelah selesai dibuat, jam itu berdetak satu kali setiap detik. Tanpa terasa, detik demi detik terus berlalu dan jam itu sungguh luar biasa karena ternyata selama satu tahun penuh dia telah berdetak tanpa henti. Dan itu berarti ia telah berdetak sebanyak 31.104.000 kali.

Ada kalanya kita ragu-ragu dengan segala tugas pekerjaan yang begitu terasa berat. Namun sebenarnya kalau kita sudah menjalankannya, kita ternyata mampu. Bahkan yang semula kita anggap tidak mungkin untuk dilakukan sekalipun. Jangan berkata "tidak" sebelum Anda pernah mencobanya.
READ MORE - Berani Mencoba

Gunung Tangkuban Perahu yang Exotic.

Pesona Gunung Tangkuban Perahu.

Hamparan kebun teh di sekitar gunung Tangkuban Parahu . Bentuk gunung ini adalah Stratovulcano berpindah dari timur ke barat. Jenis batuan yang dikeluarkan melalui letus adalah lava dan sulfur, mineral yang dikeluarkan adalah sulfur belerang, dikeluarkan saat gunung tidak aktif adalah uap belerang.

Daerah Gunung dikelola oleh Perum Perhutanan. Suhu rata-rata hariannya adalah 17 oC pa 2 oC pada malam hari. Gunung Tangkuban Parahu mempunyai kawasan hutan Dipterokarp Bukit, Atas, hutan Montane, dan Hutan Ericaceous atau hutan gunung.Kawah Tangkuban Perahu. Gunung tangkuban perahu mempunyai ketinggian 2.076 meter di atas permukaan laut. Gunung ini bila dilihat dari kejauhan nampak seperti perahu yang terbalik, karena itulah gunung ini disebut tangkuban perahu.

Legenda yang melekat pada gunung ini adalah Sangkuriang, yaitu kisah seorang anak yang jatuh cinta pada ibunya. Dari kota bandung dapat ditempuh dengan jarak 47 Km ke arah utara menuju Lembang atau Subang.Gunung Tangkuban Perahu atau juga sering disebut Tangkuban Parahu merupakan salah satu gunung terbesar di dataran Parahyangan .

Taman Wisata Alam Gunung Tangkuban Perahu berada di utara kota Lembang , sebelah utara kota Bandung. Udara sejuk, lembah dan tingginya pohon pinus menemani perjalanan Anda menuju pintu gerbang kawasan Tangkuban Perahu. Untuk memasuki kawasan Tangkuban Perahu, Anda harus membayar tiket Rp 13.000 ,- per orang ditambah tiket untuk kendaraan.

Ada dua jalan menuju kawah-kawah yang ada di gunung ini. Jalan yang pertama atau jalan lama dengan kondisi jalan yang lebih sulit untuk dilalui dan biasanya akan ditutup sehabis hujan atau saat dirasa membahayakan untuk dilewati. Penjaga loket akan memberi petunjuk untuk melewati jalan baru yang terletak lebih ke atas jika jalan ini ditutup. Sebelum tiket pembayaran di jalan pertama ini, terdapat pondok-pondok yang disewakan untuk tempat menginap. Melewati jalan baru, jalan beraspal memudahkan perjalanan kendaraan Anda. Pada sisi jalan yang berkelok-kelok terdapat bunga-bunga terompet dan pohon lainnya yang akan menyejukkan perjalanan Anda.

Di kawasan gunung Tangkuban Perahu terdapat tiga kawah yang menarik untuk dikunjungi. Kawah tersebut adalah Kawah Domas , Kawah Ratu dan Kawah Upas . Kawah yang paling besar diantara ketiganya dan paling banyak dikunjungi adalah Kawah Ratu. Dengan beberapa jam berjalan kaki, Anda bahkan dapat mengitari Kawah Ratu yang begitu luas sambil menikmati keindahan panorama Gunung Tangkuban Perahu.
READ MORE - Gunung Tangkuban Perahu yang Exotic.


Suatu hari saya naik sebuah taksi dan menuju ke Bandara. Kami melaju pada jalur yang benar ketika tiba-tiba sebuah mobil hitam melompat keluar dari tempat parkir tepat di depan kami. Supir taksi menginjak pedal rem dalam-dalam hingga ban mobil berdecit dan berhenti hanya beberapa cm dari mobil tersebut.

Pengemudi mobil hitam tersebut mengeluarkan kepalanya dan mulai menjerit ke arah kami. Supir taksi hanya tersenyum dan melambai pada orang-orang tersebut. Saya benar-benar heran dengan sikapnya yang bersahabat. Maka saya bertanya,
"Mengapa anda melakukannya? Orang itu hampir merusak mobil anda dan dapat saja mengirim kita ke rumah sakit!" Saat itulah saya belajar dari supir taksi tersebut mengenai apa yang saya kemudian sebut "Hukum Truk Sampah".

Ia menjelaskan bahwa banyak orang seperti truk sampah... Mereka berjalan keliling membawa sampah, seperti frustrasi, kemarahan, kekecewaan. Seiring dengan semakin penuh kapasitasnya, semakin mereka membutuhkan tempat untuk membuangnya, dan seringkali mereka membuangnya kepada anda. Jangan ambil hati, tersenyum saja, lambaikan tangan, berkati mereka, lalu lanjutkan hidup.

Jangan ambil sampah mereka untuk kembali membuangnya kepada orang lain yang anda temui, di tempat kerja, di rumah atau dalam perjalanan. Intinya, orang yang sukses adalah orang yang tidak membiarkan "truk sampah" mengambil alih hari-hari mereka dengan merusak suasana hati.

Hidup ini terlalu singkat untuk bangun di pagi hari dengan penyesalan, maka:
Kasihilah orang yang memperlakukan anda dengan benar, berdoalah bagi yang tidak.
Hidup itu 10% mengenai apa yang kau buat dengannya dan 90% tentang bagaimana kamu menghadapinya.

Hidup bukan mengenai menunggu badai berlalu, tapi tentang bagaimana belajar menari dalam hujan.

Keris,Javanesse Traditional Swords.

What is keris ?
Keris is a Javanese sword (dagger).
In the ancient time, a man is not considered as a real man if he
has no keris.
The keris is highly valued, treated and respected with
special care.

This pusaka is usually inherited from fore fathers. According to
Javanese ancient tradition, especially in the court families, a father
was obliged to give to his adult son at least a keris.

In general, keris is divided to two important parts, the blade
(Wilah) and the scabbard (Warangka), to protect the blade.
The process of the making of the blade in the old days may last one
year only for one keris. The keris maker is called an Empu. Only
the respectable Empu's could make a high quality keris, physically
and spiritually. Empu has to do some spiritual deeds to prepare a
keris, like fasting, not sleeping for several days and nights,
meditation, etc.

In Principle, a keris is a personal sacred weapon, it is made by an
Empu, in accordance with the wish of the consumer. The
manufacturing of keris is complicated, for short as the following :
At workshop with good fire plate to case the row materials such
as 5 kg iron plate, measuring; 4 cm wide, 2 cm thick, 15 cm long;
50 gr of nickel and 0,5 kg of steel. The iron is heated until it
become smaller, it forges again and again.
The 5 kg iron become
2 kg forged iron. The nickel inserted in between the forged iron,
smolder them, forged them carefully to produce the desired
'pamor' or surface pattern. Afterward the steel sheet, together
with above forged iron and nickel, smolder and forge again.
In this stage the keris should be made Keris Lurus (a straight keris)
or Keris Luk (keris with curves). The keris should be formed in
accordance to the blue print, using several tools such as; rough
fine, triangular files, grindstone and chisels.
Afterwards the keris should be heated but not smoldered and than
plated, to make the keris more durable. After it has been plated, it
should be soaked in a mix solution of sulfur, lemon juice and salt.
The keris is ready and its weight is about 0,4 kg.The original spiritual power is the wishes of the Empu, the maker.
While preparing and making a keris, the Empu, in the holy state,
solemnly pray to God Almighty, the keris should contain spiritual
wishes as requested by the Empu or the consumer.
It depends who is going to use the keris, the mission should be
different, for instance, for the kings, begawans (priest), generals,
high ranking officials, farmers, traders, fishermen, workers,
soldiers, etc. So, it could be easy to understand that a keris which
good for king , may be not good for a trader.
The Additional and/or Other Spiritual Power of Keris.
The keris could be filled with spiritual beings, unseen by ordinary
people, such as a genie, (jin or qodam) in order to protect or to
help the keris owner.
READ MORE - Keris,Javanesse Traditional Swords.

Batik,Indonesian Highly Art Traditions.

Batik Batik is one of Java's famous and highly developed art traditions, together with wayang (shadow puppets), gamelan (Javanese orchestra) and keris (the dagger - heirloom).
Anywhere, batik designed materials are clearly seen as women traditional dresses, shirts, uniforms, sarongs, bags, hats, table-cloths, napkins, painting and decorative items, etc, with traditional color of brown, indigo and blue or more colorful ones.

Nowadays, batik is an important industry in many production centers in Java. It is a proof that the people of Java do love the products, long time ago created by their ancestors.

The Process of Batik Making Batik, in Javanese means ' To Dot '. Basically there are two kinds of batik; Batik Tulis (hand drawn) and Batik Cap (stamped).
The price of batik tulis is much more expensive than batik cap. Doting A canting (a pen like instrument with a small reservoir of liquid wax) is applied to the cloth of batik tulis making. The tracing of the desired design on to the prepared cloth is the first stage of making followed by the technique of applying wax and dye substances. At the final stage of the process, all the wax scraped off and the cloth boiled to remove all traces of the wax. This process of repeatedly waxing and dyeing is the batik process, used until nowadays in Java and other parts of Indonesia. So, this kind art of batik is an indigenous to the country.
The wax used in batik process is a combined product of paraffin, bees-wax, plant resins called gondorukem and mata kucing . Batik cap, which is also using the waxing process, its process of course faster and easier.

But people appreciation of batik tulis is higher, it is really a work of an artist not only a craftsman. It combines the expertise, patience, deep feeling to produce the finest product, and it may take days, weeks and even months to make only a batik tulis.
READ MORE - Batik,Indonesian Highly Art Traditions.

Bali, Paradise Island.

Where is BALI ?. Maybe its quetion is the same with question in your head.

Bali is an island in Indonesia north of Australia, south of Borneo and east of Java.
Bali is located in Indonesia. In the eastern and southern hemispheres. It's positioned in Southeast Asia, in central Indonesia, and sits just 2 km east of the island of Java, west of the island of Lombok and just north of Australia.
It's bordered by the Bali Sea and the Indian Ocean.

The island is a very popular tourist destination, with tourism making up a significant part of Bali's economy.

Most of Bali's people work in agriculture, producing rice, coffee, and other crops. Bali also has a fascinating cultural tradition.
Ubud, in the center of the island, is known for arts and crafts, including woodcarving, batik -making, and painting. Balinese dance and Gamelan orchestra performances are common. Small artistic touches are evident throughout much of the island in the form of small offerings presented to Hindu Gods.
READ MORE - Bali, Paradise Island.

Bali, Island of Thousand Temple.

Why's Bali called the island of the thousand temples?

It is not surprising that Bali is called the island of the thousand temples. Everywhere you see a temple.
There are so many temples that the Government does not bother to count them. There are small temples, very small temples with only a very few shrines; there are large temples, very large temples with more than 50 shrines, such as the Temple of Besakih , the mother temple of Bali.

There are even lonely shrines on the oddest places where one does not expect them at all. Every family, every compound, every clan or society has a temple; you mention a society or organization and has a temple. In the compound where the family lives there is the family temple.

The desa, village itself must have at least three temples; Pura Puseh Pura desa and Pura Dalem The clan has its own temple.
Subak or irrigation organization has a temple, called Pura Subak or Pura Bedugul. Every place where the water to irrigate the rice field is divided has a temple or at least a shrine.

Bali has a whole has a temple, the pura Besakih or the mother temple, where every sect and nobility have their own temple. The balinese are worshippers of ancestors. The family does this in the family temple or house temple. The village does this in the Pura Puseh and all Bali does this in the temple of Besakih.

In South Bali the house temple is always in the North-East corner of the compound in regions South-West of Mount agung. The reason for this is that the top of Mount Agung is the highest spot in Bali and the highest is for God, Ida Sanghyang Widhi. Because the people should pray towards and God lives on the top of Mount Agung as the highest spot in Bali and Mount Agung happens to lie in the East that is why in South Bali the house temples is in the North-East corner of the compound. In North Bali it is the South-East corner where the house temple is built.

The number of shires in the house temple depends on the wish of the family and it also depends on where the family originally comes from. That is why the visitors in one house temple sees only a few shrines and in another, right next to it, much more. But in a house temple there must be at least two shrines, the �Sakti Kemulam� ; the Kemulan is for God and the purified ancestors and the Sakti is for the producing power of God. No matter how poor the compound is the house temple is there. This house temple can be very temporary built only of bamboo, but it can also be very elaborate; the shrines are very nicely carved and painted with gold leaves. Only the purified dead, that is to say the dead, who have been cremated, join God in the Kemulan shrine in the house temple.

With some high caste people the family makes a shrine for every ancestor who in his life had done a great service to the family, and accordingly in the house temple of such a family there are more than one ancestral shrine.
Near the entrance to a compound there is always a guardian shrine in front of or behind it; sometimes there are two shrines in front of it, flaking it. The guardian shrine is for the spirit that has to guard the primes. As told before a full-fledged village has to have at least three temples: Pura Puseh, where the founders of the village are worshiped, always lies in the Kaja sphere, towards the mountains, so it lies on the highest spot in the village; Lord Brahma the Creator, resides there.

Pura Desa, the village temple, is built in the center of the village, where Lord Wisnu, the maintainer, is worshipped, because in Pura Desa the activities of the village manifest to maintain the welfare of the village and its inhabitants.
In old societies, Pura Desa always has the Bale Agung, a long wooden building where the villagers monthly come together and sit to discuss village matters. The Bale agung is also the place where the Ngusabha ceremony, a ceremony to honor Dewi Sri, the rice Goddess is held.
Pura desa with a Bale agung is called Pura Bale Agung, because not every Pura Desa has a Bale agung.

In the Kelod share, towards the sea, so on the lowest part of the village, lies the cemetery. Near it the pura Dalem is built. This is the right place for Pura Dalem, because it is the temple of death or the temple for the dead. Of course Lord Siwa, the Destroyer, resides and is worshipped there.
The site of the three main temples is in accordance to the deep belief of the Balinese that the mountains are for god; the plains, the center of the country, are for the people and the sea, the lowest part of the country, is for the demonic forces.
Besides the three main temples there is the clan temple, called Pura Ibu, Pura Pemaksan or Pura Panti. Outside the village out in the rice fields, is the Subak temple, maintained by the organization of irrigation and farmers, where naturally Dewi Sri, the Rice Goddess is worshipped.
READ MORE - Bali, Island of Thousand Temple.